The hardest political choice…

Compassion… That’s right, compassion… I keep hearing politicians talk about hard choices, about tough decisions and being realistic…you know, their usual line and all of it typically means only one thing…but I’m getting ahead of myself here… Let me start over… So, few days ago I was blocking traffic on a bridge as part of a national day of action. Good time, didn’t necessarily agree … Continue reading The hardest political choice…

An open letter to the President, and both the Democratic and Republican Parties…

Hell, even GW Bush is impressed with how far to the right you managed to push budget negotiations… you know, to help the people you uh, you promised to help? Hello… So, I might as well address this to the highest ranking of you, though I’m not so sure that’s something to be proud of these days…in fact, from where I sit it’s something to … Continue reading An open letter to the President, and both the Democratic and Republican Parties…

Is it just me, or…

…does it seem each time a politician refers to their budget as “bold” or their ideas as “bold,” or their plan to do anything as “bold,” one can easily replace the word “bold” with “stupid,” or “poorly thought out,” or “really screwing the poor and middle class so don’t look too close, go see the Smurf movie instead, it’s family-damn-tastic!” Take this example from a … Continue reading Is it just me, or…

A Baton Rouge review from the New Orleans Assassin…

Hello… Yes, I still kill people for a living. Though I’m thinking of starting my own charter school, but more about that later… I know its been a while, and I might apologize if I believed in such sentiment but I don’t…so, another legislative session comes and goes, and I’m caught in the city in that early summer dry spell…why do contract hits slow down … Continue reading A Baton Rouge review from the New Orleans Assassin…

A Quick Note on Taxes and Narrative…

So, Bobby Jindal maintains that in the next legislative session, he will not permit taxes to be raised to close the monstrous Louisiana budget gap, but like all things having to do with terminology, language and narrative, this is untrue. Sure, he won’t force everyone to pay a higher state income tax, but what about…  Are bus fares going up around the state? Are school tuition … Continue reading A Quick Note on Taxes and Narrative…

Dear Arnold Schwarzenegger and the California State Senate…A-A-Ahem…

Fuck you. Really…when all of you, both Democrat and Republican are finished congratulating yourselves on how you finally reached a budget “deal,” may each and every one of you then immediately lose every dollar you personally have and wind up on the streets with no contacts, no accounts and no visible means of support so that you will finally understand the damage that your politics … Continue reading Dear Arnold Schwarzenegger and the California State Senate…A-A-Ahem…