An open letter to the President, and both the Democratic and Republican Parties…

Hell, even GW Bush is impressed with how far to the right you managed to push budget negotiations… you know, to help the people you uh, you promised to help? Hello… So, I might as well address this to the highest ranking of you, though I’m not so sure that’s something to be proud of these days…in fact, from where I sit it’s something to … Continue reading An open letter to the President, and both the Democratic and Republican Parties…

Obama’s problem…quickly becomes everybody’s problem….

So then, according to the President, the best way to lead is to give up from the start? From David Dayden at Firedoglake: “…but there’s also a difference between the person who views those procedural blockages for what they are, and sees opportunities for pressuring those blockages through the court of public opinion, for making it difficult on those holding up progress to sustain themselves, … Continue reading Obama’s problem…quickly becomes everybody’s problem….