Lawyers, guns and money…now featuring the Feds!

In the Gulf of Mexico, the government serves two fundamental roles: 1. They are the protective savior, providing certain corporations and clean-up contractors legal cover for any consequences that might arise from the manufacture and use of poisonous products. or… 2. They are an overprotective savior, goose-stepping boogeymen who don’t know shit about marine life, and waste everyone’s time getting in the way of big … Continue reading Lawyers, guns and money…now featuring the Feds!

Corexit, oil and seafood…oops!

Did you hear the one about the dishsoap safe Corexit, so mild it wouldn’t harm your most fragile of dishes? No? Okay, well…how about that whole seafood safety, oil didn’t enter the food chain thing? No, not that one either, huh? Well, no worries, turns out you didn’t waste your time as that was all just one tremendous line of shit. From British Petroleum’s own … Continue reading Corexit, oil and seafood…oops!

The winds of change…

Hello again… Some of you out there are aware the moving days are upon me…just completed one move, literally down the street which helped pave the way for the big move, five weeks from today to New Orleans San Francisco. Originally, I wanted it to be New Orleans, but alas…you got yourself one fucked up governor down there and the only thing he likes better … Continue reading The winds of change…

More lies, more dead dolphins…

It just keeps getting funnier, except it’s not… In this past week, it has been reported how, in the immediate aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon explosion, British Petroleum had demanded via e-mail that it’s own expert be kept quiet when he gave his opinion stating 82,000 barrels of  crude a day were coming from the Macondo Well. In fact, two days after ordering his silence, BP publicly announced their estimate that the … Continue reading More lies, more dead dolphins…

BP: Cleanup, restoration and data-tampering lawsuits…

When an employee of BP refuses to go along with the corporate narrative that all’s swell with Gulf cleanup, does BP change the narrative to make it more accurate? Does it admit there may be some problems, that they might not have done everything they promised to do? No, instead they run some feel good commercials enforcing their narrative about Gulf health. Oh…and that employee? … Continue reading BP: Cleanup, restoration and data-tampering lawsuits…

BP serving free lemonade in the French Quarter…

So, I saw another BP commercial the other day, and it seemed a bit…disingenuous. I mean, we all want the Gulf to be okay. We do. It’s our finest hope that lives so rudely interrupted by BP’s catastraphuk can get back to normal…but these advertisements, the ones that make it look like maybe the oil spill was the best thing that could’ve happened to the … Continue reading BP serving free lemonade in the French Quarter…

Romney: I like being able to fire people…

Mitt Romney, the presidential candidate one pundit described as the candidate who most looks like the guy who laid you off during the recession had this to say in New Hampshire today: “I like being able to fire people who provide services to me.” Granted, the line was taken out of context as he was discussing how people dissatisfied with the service they are getting … Continue reading Romney: I like being able to fire people…

BP, Batman and the Joker’s natural oil seeps…

Okay…so riddle me this Batman: In August, fresh oil slicks are discovered near the Macondo well site. BP denies they are there. The Coast Guard denies they are there. Bonnie Shumaker, pilot for Wings of Care flies out and takes pictures, proving the oil is there. BP then admits the oil is there as does the Coast Guard, after confirming BP admitted it too, but both say … Continue reading BP, Batman and the Joker’s natural oil seeps…

Feds, Coast Guard, join BP to prove they’ve learned very little…

In two developments this past week, British Petroleum officially welcomed the Coast Guard and the Federal Government to their party that history forgot. Behind the ivy covered walls, steel doors and security guards of BP headquarters, Bob Dudley toasted Coast Guard Captain, Julia Heim and BOEMRE head, Michael Bromwich, celebrating a rousing relapse of maritime irresponsibility and forgetfulness. Toast completed, Bob turned on the tequila fountain, shaped like a deepwater … Continue reading Feds, Coast Guard, join BP to prove they’ve learned very little…

British Petroleum says to hell with public relatons, we’re gonna screw everybody we can…

It’s official. “Making things right,” has been declared dead. The priest has been to the hospital, performed last rites and was then thrown through the glass doors and spit upon by current British Petroleum CEO Bob Dudley, who whipped around, his black duster flapping lazily in the fall breeze, before he strode back into the hospital. Word is he was heading towards the pediatric ward to see if he … Continue reading British Petroleum says to hell with public relatons, we’re gonna screw everybody we can…