Lawyers, guns and money…now featuring the Feds!

In the Gulf of Mexico, the government serves two fundamental roles: 1. They are the protective savior, providing certain corporations and clean-up contractors legal cover for any consequences that might arise from the manufacture and use of poisonous products. or… 2. They are an overprotective savior, goose-stepping boogeymen who don’t know shit about marine life, and waste everyone’s time getting in the way of big … Continue reading Lawyers, guns and money…now featuring the Feds!

Corexit, oil and seafood…oops!

Did you hear the one about the dishsoap safe Corexit, so mild it wouldn’t harm your most fragile of dishes? No? Okay, well…how about that whole seafood safety, oil didn’t enter the food chain thing? No, not that one either, huh? Well, no worries, turns out you didn’t waste your time as that was all just one tremendous line of shit. From British Petroleum’s own … Continue reading Corexit, oil and seafood…oops!

The documents are confidential because everything is fine…or not.

The word is out. The National Marine Fisheries Service have prepared a number of documents, data about Gulf fisheries and fishers to help the legal types better determine the status of fishing in the Gulf both before and after the spill. Involved lawyers will now be able to read over these documents and answer, for themselves perhaps, a number of questions: the fisheries are okay, … Continue reading The documents are confidential because everything is fine…or not.

Feds, Coast Guard, join BP to prove they’ve learned very little…

In two developments this past week, British Petroleum officially welcomed the Coast Guard and the Federal Government to their party that history forgot. Behind the ivy covered walls, steel doors and security guards of BP headquarters, Bob Dudley toasted Coast Guard Captain, Julia Heim and BOEMRE head, Michael Bromwich, celebrating a rousing relapse of maritime irresponsibility and forgetfulness. Toast completed, Bob turned on the tequila fountain, shaped like a deepwater … Continue reading Feds, Coast Guard, join BP to prove they’ve learned very little…

Nalco…not just following orders…

Nalco, the makers of Corexit disperant, are on the line for what could be hundreds of thousands of personal injury claims with the company’s request for immunity being quashed yesterday in a ruling by US District Court Judge Carl Barbier. The chemical company, whose product British Petroleum execs once called safe as dish soap had requested immunity from any lawsuit because they claimed to be … Continue reading Nalco…not just following orders…

BP’s clean-up refusal: thanks for the metaphor…

When Tropical Storm Lee created a storm surge over Labor Day weekend, the surf brought in a new array of tar balls to some Gulf Coast Beaches. The Alabama communities of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, still cleaning up this new oil from the Macondo Well, have requested British Petroleum bring in more beach cleaning machinery to ensure the clean-up is done right. British Petroleum … Continue reading BP’s clean-up refusal: thanks for the metaphor…