History’s telling me to not get excited about passage of the oil spill fine amendment…

A recent editorial in the New Orleans Times-Picayune celebrated House Passage of an amendment to the transportation bill which mandated 80% of Clean Water Act fines levied against British Petroleum for their catastraphuk be earmarked to the Gulf States who suffered the damages. The editorial called this first step important. It noted how this was the House of Representatives making a public commitment to the Gulf Coast and … Continue reading History’s telling me to not get excited about passage of the oil spill fine amendment…

Say it with me GOP…

So, when the House of Representatives proposes to cut guaranteed funds from public transportation which will cause city transportation systems to run in the red, thus requiring cities to raise bus/train/subway fares, fare increases which disproportionately affect poorer residents… What do we call that? It’s called a tax. More specifically, it’s called a regressive tax on the poor, people otherwise known as those who can … Continue reading Say it with me GOP…

Republican coincidence and payroll tax holidays…

At the end of this month the payroll tax holiday will expire, and if allowed to lapse, it will come as a tax increase for working lower and middle class Americans. The Democrats, including Obama, are in favor of an extension while many Republicans are not. Many Republicans are demanding the extension be offset by spending cuts elsewhere or simply done away with altogether. Why? Simple… According to Macroeconomic … Continue reading Republican coincidence and payroll tax holidays…

So the GOP response to economic inequality is…

…running away? …especially when they can’t control who will be in the audience? …especially when many in that audience think Eric Cantor and the GOP response form a large part of the overall problem, championing many policies that cause much of the afore-mentioned economic inequality? Okay then, glad we got that settled. Eric Cantor and the GOP’s official response to issues raised by the Occupy Protests is as follows: gulp … Continue reading So the GOP response to economic inequality is…

Headlines: Gulf Coast and Beyond…

Fish research vessel drafted for use at BP oil spill site – Times Picayune Feds order more pressure tests before relief well drilling can restart – Times Picayune WikiLeaks: We Won’t Be Threatened by Pentagon – AP BP clears itself over oil spill disaster – Daily Mail Yes, a British Paper Just How Badly Have We Screwed Up the Gulf Ecosystem? Maddow on Vitter: Hooker, … Continue reading Headlines: Gulf Coast and Beyond…