BP: Cutting the pay of cleanup workers – the e-mails

Standard Uniforms at BP Board Meetings

Ah the life of a BP catastraphuk cleanup worker: used to be the only hazard to the job was inhaling benzene, Corexit and other assorted toxins from spilled crude due to a lack of respirators, (those masks look bad in the company brochure) but you know, once one gets used to a set of difficult and hazardous working conditions, one can always count on British Petroleum to up the ante.

Yep…BP, no longer content to just deny cleanup workers the new safety supplies needed to do the job, have now begun to cut the worker’s pay, oh and they do it after the contract has been negotiated and signed.

From the Political Carnival comes a bunch of aggravating news about cleanup workers being forced to use damaged and contaminated gloves, not being given proper hazmat training and of course…the e-mails showing communication between a cleanup worker and the hiring company that contracts with BP. This particular worker, like many others was promised 13-14$ an hour (ridiculously low to start with) and per diem lodgings etc,. if living further than 55 miles away from the clean-up site. After accepting the job offer, BP informed the hiring agency that such luxuries were no longer to be afforded and the pay rate had been dropped and per diems and housing were no longer part of the deal…

Face it folks, British Petroleum doesn’t answer to the Coast Guard or the federal government or anyone but their shareholders in any way…in these wonderful days of corporate deregulation, the only thing British Petroleum has to answer to is it’s conscience…and oh man, don’t even get me started on that one…

Check the last line of the last e-mail and see that even the hiring agencies that contract with these parasites find that “BP is evil”

Read on and then visit the site for all the e-mails:

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Urgent question
From: Barkway
Date: Wed, July 14, 2010 10:39 am
To: XXXX @level1dmc.com

Barkway checking in with you again.

I had been scheduled to start working for an oil spill cleanup contractor but then got delayed when they called all of us to say that BP had changed the terms of the contract with them and was ordering them (as well as ALL other hiring agencies) to pay workers less money and with no more per diems, or housing offers (some were offering housing).

Have you heard this?



From: XXX @level1dmc.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 10:48 PM
To: Barkway
Subject: RE: Urgent question


It made us sick when we heard. The coast guard is under what the federal govt calls ESF (Emergency Support Function) the coast guard is just monitoring the spill. Unfortunately the Govt has no say in the matter. BP is evil.

Thank You:
South Eastern Regional Director
Visit us at WWW.LEVEL1DMC.com

British Petroleum rolls in their own filth…

Please visit The Political Carnival: Special to TPC – E-Mail from Gulf Coast Hiring Agency “BP is evil”

Have a nice day.

One thought on “BP: Cutting the pay of cleanup workers – the e-mails

  1. If that have no say in the matter in their own country,keep their out of other countries fucking with those people about what their doning in they country.Now don’t that sound about right?

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