An open letter to the President, and both the Democratic and Republican Parties…

Hell, even GW Bush is impressed with how far to the right you managed to push budget negotiations… you know, to help the people you uh, you promised to help? Hello… So, I might as well address this to the highest ranking of you, though I’m not so sure that’s something to be proud of these days…in fact, from where I sit it’s something to … Continue reading An open letter to the President, and both the Democratic and Republican Parties…

GOP job killers…

Tonight is Obama’s jobs speech. That’s nice and all, but not really important as evidenced by the reactions of Republican Senators like Mitch McConnell and Jim DeMint who have already figured out nothing Obama could propose will work. “Same failed approach,” McConnell called it. Interesting, considering for the past two years the GOP hasn’t said much about jobs at all… But that was then, this … Continue reading GOP job killers…

I figured out Obama’s re-election strategy, finally…

And it’s genius. He did so well the first time running against G.W. Bush and his harsh, conservative record, he has decided to do it again, by simply running against his own first term. This will of course only require he maintain his current course, because it would appear being “the only adult in the room” is akin to simply caving in and making decisions … Continue reading I figured out Obama’s re-election strategy, finally…

An “adult crisis” metaphor for the economy…

Hey everybody… So, the patient is wheeled into the emergency room on a gurney, after letting his best friend, George W Bush, talk him into slitting open his right wrist. He’s bleeding pretty bad, could die if the doctors don’t act quickly. Hearing the call, Dr. Obama rushes into the room and quickly stitches up the cut, but only a quarter of the way before going on vacation. But the … Continue reading An “adult crisis” metaphor for the economy…

Is it just me, or…

…does it seem each time a politician refers to their budget as “bold” or their ideas as “bold,” or their plan to do anything as “bold,” one can easily replace the word “bold” with “stupid,” or “poorly thought out,” or “really screwing the poor and middle class so don’t look too close, go see the Smurf movie instead, it’s family-damn-tastic!” Take this example from a … Continue reading Is it just me, or…

I’m not a child, Barack, but I do still work in the community, you?

On ABC’s This Week, White House Political Director David Plouffe said: “This isn’t about playing on a Republican playing field. This country, our economy, has to reduce the deficit, we have to live within our means. And if you’re a progressive, there’s a powerful case for deficit reduction. Things like college loans, college scholarships, spending on things like roads and bridges that put construction workers … Continue reading I’m not a child, Barack, but I do still work in the community, you?

The Most Irresponsible Post I’ll Ever Write…on the Debt Ceiling

Responsibility and irresponsibility to whom, a people, a political party, a pledge… As we’ve sat back, watching this debt ceiling debate rage on, I continue to be struck by what Democrats and Republicans deem to be okay, what they consider to be responsible. It is responsible for both parties to give three trillion dollars in tax breaks to the richest people in this country, under the pretense … Continue reading The Most Irresponsible Post I’ll Ever Write…on the Debt Ceiling

Obama’s problem…quickly becomes everybody’s problem….

So then, according to the President, the best way to lead is to give up from the start? From David Dayden at Firedoglake: “…but there’s also a difference between the person who views those procedural blockages for what they are, and sees opportunities for pressuring those blockages through the court of public opinion, for making it difficult on those holding up progress to sustain themselves, … Continue reading Obama’s problem…quickly becomes everybody’s problem….

A Message From Rousseau…

“Usurpers always choose troubled times to enact, in the atmosphere of general panic, laws which the public would never adopt when passions were cool. One of the surest ways of distinguishing the work of a lawgiver from that of a tyrant is to note the moment he chooses to give a people its constitution.” – Jean Jacques Rousseau An economic crisis is created by Bush … Continue reading A Message From Rousseau…